Quest RPG - Brians Journey

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Brian lives in a peaceful and quiet town where nothing ever happens, which is the way everyone likes it. Suddenly, hordes of evildoers overrun the town and start wreaking havoc in this once-sleepy community. The town is counting on Brian to go on a quest to restore peace and harmony. You take control of the unlikely hero and set out on the adventure of a lifetime. While traveling, you will discover something more nefarious is happening, and you'll have your hands full of monsters and enemies. Throughout your journey you will have to battle these monsters and enemies in turn-based combat with a twist. The twist is that you can move between turns to dodge attacks, and you can also combine spells and attacks to create special moves. Help Brian save his town, and maybe even the world, in QUEST RPG: Brian's Journey.

Title: Quest RPG - Brians Journey
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